The municipalities of Ischia: Forio

Forio we can say of this village that is the most loved and visited by tourists, it will be for the favorable climate in fact positioned on the west coast has a temperature always mild and a brightness ‘today higher than other areas’, will be ‘for the possibility’ to enjoy wonderful sunsets and to make enchanting walks in the wild nature of the territory. Its vantage points are infectious and more than inccantevoli, chia love shopping and entertainment will find here in Forio numerous shops, bars, cafes, discos, piano bar with live music and picturesque corners closed in these alleys of the country. All can enjoy and appreciate the beautiful beaches like Citara, San Francesco, Citarella and the well-kept and modern spa parks the most important I Poseidon, where buying a ticket for both half day and full day you can enjoy many services from swimming pools thermal water, more than 22 indoor and outdoor with different temperatures, private beach, showers and waterfalls with thermal water, bars, restaurants and parking. The symbols of this village are the famous Torrioni and the Chiesa del Soccorso. The turrets scattered over the whole territory are packed more than 11 are not other buildings of protection and sighting that during the invasions of the Saracens offered pretezione to the population. The largest one located in the center of forio dates back to 1490 and today is the cultural center of the town in fact the museum’s headquarters. While the other symbol is the church of the Soccorso which was erected in 1500 by the sailors of the place, it is said that during a strong storm a large black cross was found on the beach and the church was built

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